Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Stamps exchange IN-541
24 September 2024
21 November 2024
Duration: 57 days
Feedback: 4 Stars
Photo by snowmark
21 Nov 2024, 13:58:01
I don't think the image accurately reflects the extremely poor quality of stamps sent to me by this member. The envelope was one of the nicest I have seen, however the stamps contained within make this one of the worst, if not the worst, lot of stamps out of the almost 300 I have received in this club. 65% discoloured and/or affected by serious rust and/or damaged - not acceptable and straight into the rubbish bin.
21 Nov 2024, 19:05:26
Magnificent, this person is doing better and better
22 Nov 2024, 02:50:09
What does it take for the Administrator to get involved? Isn't there something about getting excluded when you get too many low scores?
22 Nov 2024, 08:47:12
and in addition he has two accounts
23 Nov 2024, 02:31:34
Ya, the distinctly poor quality is consistent across many trades. I just blocked him/her and moved on. Although I do agree that the Administrator should take some action as many members are being taken advantage of.
29 Nov 2024, 02:26:07
Tell me how many stamps are damaged or discolored and I will replace them.
01 Dec 2024, 16:08:30
Thank-you for your offer of replacing damaged/discolored stamps, but the point still remains that the stamps you send are consistently of poor quality.
22 Jan 2025, 02:05:35
Santosh, I have received your replacement lot, thank you. The stamps were mostly very common ones, but the cover once again was fantastic! It still contained a few damaged or discoloured stamps, but overall you've now met the criterion to receive a better rating and I have changed it. I read your note in which you say you send what you receive - the bad stamps in the last lot were almost all Indian, so I doubt you would have received them from other collectors in this club. I hope you will improve what you send, otherwise you will receive more low ratings in future.
UNESCO Postcards