Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Stamps exchange US-3610
United States of America
05 November 2021
16 November 2021
Duration: 11 days
Feedback: 3 Stars
Photo by Szabolcs_H
16 Nov 2021, 18:04:18
not as bad as
16 Nov 2021, 18:07:09
for a gentlemen question... at least this should be 4 star
I'm an amateur collector of stamps.

I guess this choice of stamps fullfill your wishes:

My collection consist of vintage small stamps and modern mushrooms, flora, fauna, sports, science, vehicles, space ... off paper stamps, mostly used and CTO's but few mint as well.
i'm mainly interested in Russian (including CCCP) and East European (Hungarian, Romanian, Poland, Bulgarian ...) stamps, but accept worldwide stamps as well.
16 Nov 2021, 18:07:11
@Szabolcs_H considering what you send you shouldn't expect to receive better
16 Nov 2021, 18:31:53
Anyway Laurent, he is having what he has at his list >> "vintage small stamps" for example... anyway, clearly, he is rating 3 because Tony, being generous, rated 4 star... again the same story.
You know what I think :)
16 Nov 2021, 21:37:49
He sent junk to me and I gave him a 4* rating. This is one of those collectors to stay away from.
17 Nov 2021, 12:36:30
Clean waste, definitive stamps. Rating 3 is perfect.
17 Nov 2021, 23:33:16
@Szabolcs_H how is that lot different from the one you sent yourself?
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