Used stamps exchanges.

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to a random member
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Ratings less than 5 stars.
25 Oct 2024, 18:56:12
I think that if you give a rating of less than 5 stars it should be mandatory to indicate the reason why. This is so that people know what they have to do to improve what they send.
02 Nov 2024, 14:18:21
Again, that is what I did with the exception of posting my rationale publicly. I don't think that any more negative attention should be drawn to the sender. If a person cannot figure out why I gave a low rating, a private message could be sent to which I most certainly would reply. In any event, Johnpeter, this has been an entertaining conversation. You know the direction I will be taking as I know yours.
01 Nov 2024, 09:07:54
PS - pokud jde o začátečníka tak také svůj názor ještě rozvedu v soukromé korospondenci včetně rad co a jak posílat.

PS - as for the beginner, I will also elaborate my opinion in private correspondence, including advice on what and how to send.
01 Nov 2024, 09:05:36
Pokud si jsem schopný svůj názor obhájit nevidím důvod jej skrývat. Stejně jako obsah zásilky.

Isee no reason to hide my opinion as long as I am able to defend it. Just like the contents of the shipment.
31 Oct 2024, 18:44:09
The photo is public. Check the top of the page. Also, I prefer that what I said to the sender remain private.
31 Oct 2024, 09:55:50
Zdůvodnění nižšího hodnocení by mělo být právě z edukačních důvodů veřejné, včetně obrazové dokumentace. Problém je že lecos podobného tu už bylo, ale časem to zapadlo do starých zpráv. Moji poznámku ale nechápej jako osobní, není vyjimkou že tři hvězdy někdo udělí bez jakjéhokoliv vysvětlení. Zvláště pro nováčky je také dobré když pošlou víc než přesně 100 známek, pokud jsem s některým korespondoval tak jsem to pokaždé doporučoval.

The justification for the lower rating should be public, including visual documentation, precisely for educational reasons. The problem is that something similar has already been done here, but it has become part of the old news over time. But don't take my comment as personal, it is not an exception that three stars are awarded without any explanation. It's also especially good for newbies when they send more than exactly 100 marks, if I've corresponded with one I've recommended it every time.

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30 Oct 2024, 21:22:35
Johnpeter: Well, I did provide a photo and in the message section of the registration I did provide an explanation of why I gave that rating. So your comment is a bit unfounded. I do agree with our need to retain members, but there still needs to be an avenue for education.
30 Oct 2024, 19:32:35

Tak to jsem zvědavej jestli tohodle nového člena klubu ty 2x udělené tři hvězdy bez komentáře znechutí natolik že ztratí o klub zájem. Není v našem zájmu aby členů přibývalo?

I wonder if this new member will get so disgusted by the 2x three stars without comment that he will lose interest in the club. Isn't it in our interest to keep the membership growing?
28 Oct 2024, 08:58:36
Byl bych pro to aby v podmínkách klubu bylo že udělení tří a méně hvězd muselo být zdůvodněno včetně obrazové dokumentace.

I would be in favour of the club's terms and conditions stating that the awarding of three stars or less had to be justified, including pictorial documentation.
27 Oct 2024, 15:24:33
At least, it should be uploading a picture or a scan of the content received. Thanks
27 Oct 2024, 13:28:45
wimber4.0. I agree with you. If a stamp is non-removable, then trim neatly around it. That's fine. What I am referring to are stamps that have been ripped off envelopes with no attempt made to remove the stamp at all, even though the stamps is soakable.
27 Oct 2024, 06:40:37
Are there any still on paper? becoming destroyed by soaking stamps have this option as an element of protection against re use (USA, Australia, Italy and others), this should be accepted as a fact, especially by lovers of the latest issues from 2010 and newer, and keeping them on a pece of envelope is not a defective. Just
27 Oct 2024, 03:02:08
Well, firstly, did the sender meet the criteria set by the site. Pretty straightforward stuff there. Then it boils down to the overall quality of the stamps that were sent. Are there any still on paper? Are there any with hinge remnants? Are there any that are damaged ? Are there any that are stained? Anyways, that's how I look at these ratings.
26 Oct 2024, 16:52:04
Is there actually an explanation of what the different ratings mean?
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