Used stamps exchanges.

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Register A Non Receive Letter
20 Jan 2020, 10:45:22
Should we doing this - register a non receive letter?

I am facing a lost letter sent by A0. After some time, I was allocated a ticket to send letter to A1. A1 did not register for me perhaps the letter was lost or may be not. And later, A2's letter also not reaching me. A0 ask me to register for his letter so A1 will register for me as an exchange without any physical stamp swap. Any sending ticket given to A* for sending letter to me end up nothing will reach me. A0, A1, A2 are the same people or from one family. This group of member also have id A3 and A4 and may be later create even more.

Hope to get member's opinion
28 Jan 2020, 20:47:23
no receival, no registration
my letters get lost too...
23 Jan 2020, 17:51:15
Ok, Wolfgang, below there is my translation for you :)

20 Jan 2020, 21:15:11
Natalya, maybe you were misunderstood, but probably those two users did not understand what I asked them for. The situation is as follows, I have an expired letter from you and you also have an expired letter from me, so I suggested to register them both, because of statistics only few people resend letters. And thus each user will receive a new envelope. Waiting for your opinion on this matter.
By the second user, I shall write you a private message
20 Jan 2020, 21:44:01
Igor, I also have letters lost by the mail service, both from and to me. But I am fundamentally against such "netting." In my opinion, it's just not fair. Still any lie will remain a lie, no matter what the circumstances it is justified.
Also such “netting” infringes the rights of the third parties. Since for a certain number of registered letters the sender receives an additional letter. But in fact, there are no real letters, there were only "agreements".
Jan 20, 2020, 10:24:31 PM
In any case, this is a proposal, but not an extortion!
22 Jan 2020, 16:41:14
I am following this discussion very interested. For me, I will not register a letter I have never received. Sorry for the sender, but I can not verify if this letter was really sent or got lost on the way.
@Natalia: please a translation of the cyrillic contributions :):) Thanks again!
22 Jan 2020, 03:12:25
Thank you all for express your own opinion.

This is a stamp exchange platform and hope not for getting unhappy experience platform.

In my own opinion,

The rule set in No 2 is After your stamps arrives at the destination, your partner will register the exchange ID. This means without receive any stamps, nobody have right to request/order/propose or in any form to ask anyone else to register in whatever reasons. Of course, as we click the button to send stamps to any member, we already committed we have to send and in return, whenever we receive, we have to register for it. If you unhappy with any allocated member, you still have an option to cancel it. This is a honest, integrity and responsible of a club member have to abide.

The loophole of the rules in this club is, what happen if the mail was lost. There is no guideline for member to follow. In this case, none is right or wrong in handling the lost mail.

- If resend is a solution, some member might take the opportunity in pretend not getting the first mail.
- If doing the register exchange without any physical stamp swap, it will create a unhealthy environment and might become a disaster to the club.
- If using registered mail, this will burden the members.

I would like to suggest to the admin

1. disclose the statistic and details of member's expired exchange record in their profile. Give some space to let the involved member to comment on it.
2. if member using more than one ID, he/she must disclose in all their profile which ID also belongs to him/her. If ID belongs to related family member, it should also disclose too to avoid any misunderstand or unhappy issue.

21 Jan 2020, 23:08:32
U nás koruny.
21 Jan 2020, 18:32:48
в России -рубли
21 Jan 2020, 18:29:04
Hello :)
In my opinion, we all, at least the one taking honest benefit of these clubs, should become Supporting Members and have some more options than the ones, not being Supporters.
I propose an annual fee of 10 euros per person and club, for example. This is nothing for us and would put also a limit to those ones.

Who agrees ?? :)
20 Jan 2020, 22:24:31
Во всяком случае это предложение,но никак не вымогательство!
20 Jan 2020, 21:44:01
Игорь, у меня тоже есть пропавшие на почте письма, и от меня, и ко мне. Но я принципиально против "взаимозачётов". По-моему, это просто нечестно. Любая ложь всё равно останется ложью, какими бы обстоятельствами она ни оправдывалась.
И ещё. Такие "взаимозачёты" ущемляют права третьих лиц. Так как за определённое количество зарегистрированных писем участник клуба получает право на дополнительное письмо. А на самом-то деле таких писем и нет, а были лишь "договорённости".
20 Jan 2020, 21:15:11
Наталья,может быть вы не так поняли,но скорее всего те два пользователя не поняли о чем я их просил.ситуация следующая ,я имею просроченное письмо от вас и вы также имеете просроченное письмо от меня,и я предложил обоюдно зарегистрировать их так как по статистике мало кто отправляет повторно письма.и таким образом каждый из пользователей получит новый конверт. Жду ваше мнение на этот счёт.
По второму пользователю я вам напишу личное сообщение
20 Jan 2020, 17:16:38
This is real extortion!
I think that such actions are illegal, and these persons deserve our disapproval. I propose Danubius to create the topic "Board of Shame" for public demonstration of such blackmail examples.
The project "" should be a project for honest users, not for blackmailers!
20 Jan 2020, 14:21:04
I'm having the same problem, the member registered my letter even dough he did not receive it and now two members (probably the same) want me to register the same letter twice!
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