Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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20 Feb 2019, 01:35:19
I see there are a few members that request you check their colnect account to see what they need. That seems like a lot of work, anyone actually do this?
23 Apr 2019, 20:38:01
If you have a Colnet member write your nick here in your profile, and I will send you according to your wishlist.
01 Mar 2019, 01:04:43
I do not bother looking at any site to see what a collector needs. I send as per the rules, 100 hundred used undamaged stamps. I do try to accommodate collectors wants as much as I can, but I often do not have the stamps they request.

25 Feb 2019, 16:37:36
@ Juras "Experienced collectors use global Michel, Scott, Stanley Gibbons or Yvert and Tellier calalogues or some specialized local ones." -> Exactly, that's the point!

But I do not want to trade in this club by exchanging Michel numbers or any other numbers.
Where is the surprise in that?
25 Feb 2019, 10:48:15
"By the way much more serious online catalogue is"

Juras, +100!
25 Feb 2019, 09:08:39
@camulus: "If someone has registered Colnect stamps, it is an advantage, and of course, he benefits from it. They are mainly very experienced collectors"

I completely disagree. Experienced collectors use global Michel, Scott, Stanley Gibbons or Yvert and Tellier calalogues or some specialized local ones. Colnect is not serious catalogue in my point of view. It is definitely not complete and not reviewed by any authority. It is just tool for people who want to have lot of nice pictures on papers with teeths, that they call "comemorative stamps". I´m sorry for my opinion, it is not meant against any specific member here.

But on the other hand. I have no problem to make brief check of Colnect profile of any user here to find out what that user prefers.

P.S. By the way much more serious online catalogue is
23 Feb 2019, 23:03:57
It is necessary to keep the wishes of others, what they have in the profile, that's all. Whoever does not want to accept it, is just an ordinary ignorant and has nothing to do in this club. It's a club about friendship and not about creating gruesome topics, and writing about the fact that someone does not like what's written in the profile. This is not about this club.
23 Feb 2019, 22:00:41
@camulus: "just do not be lazy"

sorry, that i have to speak up again - we already had a dispute on that theme, but you are once again doing trashtalk to users...

I agree with all the other users - so your opinion is minority...
22 Feb 2019, 22:31:41
No rule of club 100 is broken. Simply, everyone can write to their profile what they expect. If someone has registered Colnect stamps, it is an advantage, and of course, he benefits from it. They are mainly very experienced collectors who have a large collection and so it would not make sense for them to be, because in each shipment it has already received the stamps it has. So, no one will take a lot of time, just do not be lazy. The whole thing is about it or just ignore the requirements of others in their profile, but then do so for all profiles. So then he would have to cancel the profiles here at this club.
22 Feb 2019, 01:05:11
thanks for the input everyone.
Right now I'm still one of those full time taxing paying working people. I don't have hours to spend on every exchange! although I have been trying to organize my duplicates better to make it quicker to fill requests.
21 Feb 2019, 15:55:42
100clubmember is absolutely right!!!
It's a principle of fairness.
21 Feb 2019, 04:33:28
If you list your duplicates in Colnect makes sense that you would like to trade with Colnect members. I don't think that it is fair to ask for specific stamps and in return send stamps at random.
20 Feb 2019, 22:24:32
I play by club rules. 100 stamps/all different/no damaged. I may include Mint if requested or not. Outside that, I don't bother. I will fill profile requests if I can but never go to wantlists.
20 Feb 2019, 12:37:54
Never ever!!!
20 Feb 2019, 07:14:53
Trading Cards Swaps