Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Pictures of negative rating's swaps
22 Aug 2018, 19:03:43
Danubius, why the pictures of swaps with negative rating don't appear on the top of the main page?
All the 100club members must know their "heroes".
(for comparison)
07 Oct 2021, 19:45:34
03 Oct 2021, 19:55:59
23 Sep 2021, 22:12:20
31 Aug 2021, 20:19:05
19 Aug 2021, 16:49:15
04 Aug 2021, 19:50:30
25 Jul 2021, 13:28:55
22 Jul 2021, 18:49:10
04 Jun 2021, 12:28:36
This topic was started to present negative ratings. As an alternative, under Exchange > Home you can find the club average of Negative/Neutral/Positive ratings.
@Danubius: maybe it is an idea to create a link behind the quantities to a list of those exchanges?
01 Jun 2021, 19:02:35
31 May 2021, 19:29:58
5. if you collect Eastern European countries you should know that many stamps are only available as CTOs
and so on ...

Cheers my friend, have fun with your stamps collection, not angry and mad with a lot of other people!
31 May 2021, 19:28:16
@laurent, my friend - you asked:

@edvasc Can you tell me since I don't collect damaged stamps, what should I do with them?
ME, I'll answer you: yes, I drop out (to the waste basket) a lot of damaged stamps I received, they are not good to send anyone.

@ edvasc you were right to cancel given your 4.43 I would surely have received what is at the bottom of your trash
ME, I'll answer you: yes, I know you would give me a bad rating, that's why I canceled the sending
(it's not worth the effort to send a "over standard" bunch of 100 stamps to those very demanding users; no matter what you send, you never get a good rate; thus, to those demanding profiles I send a "club minimum rules only" set

And I will repeat. Some users don't understand what used/cancelled stamps are.
1. Some countries don't have pretty colorful stamps (Nordic countries. fox example)
2. Some countries don't have weird shape stamps like Japan
3. Some countries don't have perfect stamps (like India, for example)
4. If you collect stamps from previous European colonies, you should know that most of the stamps have minor damages, due to the long travel of the original letters (local stamps inside the colonies were mostly lost, as nobody collected stamps there)
5. if you collect esater European countries
20 May 2021, 12:02:17
It is not always about the effort. If someone is requesting stamps from 2015 and newer, or British Commonwealth, or..., and you simply do not have them, it is not a matter of effort.

I like the idea to have 2 ratings though. One for receiver satisfaction 1-5. One for club rules met Y/N. Or also a scale rate (NN/N/Y/YY or something) because of consequences when you do not meet the club rules. I mean, 1 damaged stamp would be a No, but not heavy enough for consequences.
20 May 2021, 11:13:52
I am still fairly new to this (the club, not exchanging stamps worldwide), and I see lots of discussion about ratings. I assume over the years there have been many suggestions as to how the system could be improved .... I wonder whether the issue is that, by having a rating scale, we are inviting too much subjectivity. perhaps a ratings system which combines objectivity and subjectivity would cause less controversy ?
The bottom line is - have the rules (a. 100 used stamps b. unique stamps, no doubles c. in good conditions ) been complied with ? That demands a yes/no answer and that could be our primary, objective rating (but recognising there will still be arguments about what is "used" and what is "good condition" - these terms could be defined).
Then there could be a secondary, subjective rating (a scale of 1-3 or 1-5) which is about whether the sender of the stamps has made an effort to fulfil the preferences of the receiver. This is more important to some, less important to others. That's why it would be a secondary rating only.
Just a suggestion .......
19 May 2021, 17:32:40
@ Koen very good remark
19 May 2021, 16:54:30
In the 50stamps club there was a similar discussion on profile expectations and ratings. I'll repeat part of my contribution:

"I think the rating system is not really clear. I mean, what means 'neutral' (3 stars)? Where did one go wrong then? And when degrades a 5-star to 4-star? Damaged stamps? CTO's? Mint? How many? And when the 1 or 2 stars with consequences? Can't be at the receivers grace?"

Somewhere else (don't remember) someone raised the same issue. And given the number of discussions on this (not always even friendly), the confusion may need resolvement?
19 May 2021, 16:21:33
it becomes tiring to have to justify this ask yourself the right questions, why are there grades from 1 to 5
19 May 2021, 13:42:51
@lauren you look very agressive, you are not in the right place Im afraid. Je crois que vous vous trompez de plateau
19 May 2021, 12:38:29
@ francescpf put a 3 a dadika30. where is the photo of the stamps? or it's just revenge following a 3 he assigns you !!!!

and you allow yourself to make comments to others !!!
19 May 2021, 12:31:33

you only see the few bad marks I put 80% of 5 ask yourself the question why there are worse marks and ME I put the photos of the stamps !!!

always the same ones who complain , totally useless discussion with some


I don't have to justify myself the only ones who complain here are those who have a bad rating, you don't want to send me any stamps..... no prob

bonne journée
19 May 2021, 12:14:58
@laurent >>> what happens if I only have available stamps like this:
- 100 used stamps
- unique stamps, no doubles
- in good conditions
stamps from Spain, Germany, Japan, Malta, USA, Nederland...

What is bad condition for you ??

Looking at your pictures... I dont see it very clear.

I havel also deleted. This is a gentle people club.
19 May 2021, 12:09:20
I copy Tony's message. Te lo copio Tony...

The stamps facing up look good to me, I don't know about the ones facing down.
The rules again.

1. 100 Used stamps.
2. Unique stamps, no doubles.
3. Stamps in good condition.
19 May 2021, 12:08:43
Friendly profile....



NO DDR, Cuba, etc., no country, CTO style, no common small format
NO GB christmas stamps - NO French stamps
I do not want stamps stuck on paper
No definitives and small stamp please

I collect the world only after 2000 I do not collect before 2000
19 May 2021, 10:42:51
@ edvasc you were right to cancel given your 4.43 I would surely have received what is at the bottom of your trash

@ edvasc why you only look at bad marks I also give good ones ....

do you want to receive stamps in good condition? me too

have a good day

my list is a wish list like many, but even if it did not respect and if the stamps are good I give a good rating
some do NOT make ANY EFFORT he swings without checking their stamps to the first exchange correspondent who comes out of the draw and expects in return a good note and pretty stamps

the webmaster should make the photo of the received stamps mandatory

edvascCan you tell me since I don't collect damaged stamps, what should I do with them?

18 May 2021, 19:00:00
The stamps facing up look good to me, I don't know about the ones facing down.
The rules again.

1. 100 Used stamps.
2. Unique stamps, no doubles.
3. Stamps in good condition.

18 May 2021, 17:02:04
There are some people that don't understand what used stamps are ...

Have a look at this 100+ stamps, and tell me why it is rated just 3*

and this other one, although not a interesting pack, why had it just 2*, if it fulfills the rules?!

I have to say that this is a user that I have already canceled when he was assigned to me ...
People should be ashamed of writing profiles with this kind of text:
"I DO NOT COLLECT ----> ...
I collect the world only after 2000"

Just my opinion, my same opinion since the beginning of this club, in 2015 ...

12 May 2021, 19:19:40
31 Mar 2021, 20:55:36
26 Mar 2021, 19:51:54
12 Mar 2021, 19:26:31
09 Mar 2021, 18:15:04
05 Feb 2021, 08:40:50
05 Feb 2021, 08:40:10
30 Jan 2021, 23:48:38
23 Jan 2021, 15:38:34
28 Dec 2020, 19:19:22
28 Nov 2020, 04:40:30
26 Nov 2020, 22:44:50
16 Nov 2020, 22:34:27
well that escaleted quickly.....
Unfortunatley the picture of ES-2522 was removed
Let me describe what I received:
85 stamps (most of them modern German stamps after 2000 or very common German definitives)
8 stamps as an extra (the most common Spanish definitives)
4 bags of tea
5 labels

basic rule, 100 stamps, violated.... that was the reason for the 2*
If there were many stamps that I could use I could have changed it to more stars. Unfortunately no reason for that.

I'm awaiting the extra stamps, then I can change the rating.

This was the second time that I received stamps form coronator, first time the same problem. Not enough stamps...Then I gave him the benefit of the doubt now I didn't.
16 Nov 2020, 11:59:15
@coronator = tu envio NO era de 1-2 stars, no creo que te merecieras esa puntuacion y estoy de acuerdo contigo
15 Nov 2020, 19:49:23
my posting was just others to see, that every coin has two sides...

14 Nov 2020, 15:45:39
Krepki, ya te he dicho que si no te gustan las bolsas de té, las puedes tirar a la basura. Voy a seguir enviándolas cada vez que yo crea conveniente. y te repito que aquí cada uno envía las sorpresas que quiere y tu no eres quien para decir lo que se ha de enviar o no.

Tu querido amigo GPKnl, no responde a mis mensajes privados, no estoy hablando de la imagen. Fue retirada por el administrador.

Se ve que tu eres un experto y no cometes fallos. Yo si cometo fallos y muchos. HA SIDO UNA CONFUSIÓN: envié solo 90 sellos. Como compensación he hecho otro envío con 20 sellos, En este enlace puedes verlo:

Si te lo quieres creer te lo crees, en caso contrario da exactamente igual. Aunque creo que seguirás diciendo estolideces.

Yo siempre he respetado las normas de club. Ya he hecho 132 envíos y siempre las he respetado.

Para finalizar, metete en tus asuntos.
13 Nov 2020, 17:28:39
i have to reply...
GPKnl didn answer, because ES-2522 communication has been closed - so it is the pic
i think he will, because he is fair person

about you @coronator
your "mistake" happends a lot and NO, you didnt always send 100 stamps as it should be
here is the proof

and tea bags are not surprises most of us here would cherish...
play by the book and all will be fine!
13 Nov 2020, 11:05:55
Buenos días,

En el envío ES-2522, solo envié 90 sellos por error, todos sellos usados en perfecto estado. El envío lo han calificado con 2 estrellas. He vuelto a enviar otros 20 sellos en compensación. Puedes verlo en este enlace:

Así se lo he comunicado a GPKnl, pero no recibo respuesta de el. También he puesto un ticket con esta incidencia, pero tampoco he recibido respuesta.

La valoración con 2 estrellas es injusta. He hecho 132 envíos y siempre he mandado los 100 sellos y alguna sorpresa. ¿por favor lo puedes solucionar?

Gracias y un saludo
10 Nov 2020, 20:11:35
22 Sep 2020, 19:22:18
20 Sep 2020, 15:01:55
26 Jul 2020, 10:29:51
24 Jul 2020, 21:30:24
01 Jul 2020, 09:30:43
Too many negative ratings for so short time, I think :(
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