Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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I want to send more letters?
27 Oct 2017, 20:29:17
I have written dozens of letters in the same way and only one letter has been stuck. On average, I get more than four stars. So that's good. I don't now what happened with that 1 letter. The receiver said the stamps are stuck to gether with glue? How? I do not know how this could happen. But, I couldn't do anything about it. The receiver would consider the stars if i send another letter. I've considered it to send again 100 stamps. But why? I acted in honor and conscience.

I feel punished for this. It feels like that! First I could send six letters and now only two. And these two letters are away for weeks. Without a response.

I don't now the exact rules of this community. But i want to send 6 letters or more.
Who can help me?
22 Dec 2017, 12:17:14
Je pense comme Erling, avant de limiter, donnons une 2eme chance, car on peut tomber sur un correspondant qui vous mais 2 car ce n'est pas les timbres demandés, même qui vos 105 timbres sont impeccables. Je viens d'etre punie d'un 2 pour cette raison, sans réponse bien entendu de votre correspondant. On recens cette injustice tres difficilement.
15 Dec 2017, 09:36:57
I think both proposals are good. One bad rating might be just bad luck or revenge. But if you get two, you deserve some restrictions.
13 Dec 2017, 23:53:11
Or for 1 low rating you get a warning without the limitation and suspended for 2 low ratings?
13 Dec 2017, 23:50:01
Would it help if I change the system so that you get limited for 2 low ratings and suspended for 3 low ratings?
13 Dec 2017, 23:42:41
About the limitation regarding the low ratings received. If you have 1 low rating (1 or 2 stars) in the last 10 exchanges, you are limited to only 2 travelling letters. And if you have 2 low ratings in the last 10 exchanges, you are temporary suspended from sending new letters.

The good thing is that the ratings can be changed by your partners.

I understand that exceptions can happen. Not all the low ratings are deserved. This is why you are limited to 2 travelling letters and not suspended when you have only 1 low rating. Is the same as when you started. At that point you had only 2 letters travelling.
But if you have 2 low ratings, then most probably something is wrong with the exchanges.
13 Dec 2017, 23:24:11
I have increased this limitation from 6 to 7. This limitation exists because the number of tickets is limited. When someone sends a letter and is registered, a ticket is created and that member can now receive a letter back. The limitation helps more members to send letters. The problem exists especially with the more active members. Because they have sent to most members, they compete for the newer members. And if someone consumes all the tickets, the other wont have partners to send to.
06 Nov 2017, 22:39:59
same with me...
Up today I have sent 208 letters (2nd place) + 5 that are travelling (Are lost) more than 100 days + 5 travelling

and then, one moron with 3 sent letters gives me negative (without explanation & I know, what I have sent - it was a good lot) and now i am blocked...

more and more people argue, people have multiple usernames, letters get "lost"

maybe it is time to stop participating in this club... at least for a while
06 Nov 2017, 19:07:09
I agree. If you get several addresses to far away places, you have just to wait many weeks before the letters arrive. Or if they arrive at all. I think that if you have sent and received a certain number of letters, you should graduate to another level and have more addresses. To open another profile? I think that is going around the problem.
03 Nov 2017, 04:30:03
well you can do what more and more members seem to do another profile ^^
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