Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Stamps exchange RO-143
23 April 2022

07 May 2022
Duration: 14 days
Feedback: 3 Stars
Photo by fairytale78
Photo by Szabolcs_H
07 May 2022, 21:34:51
I hope there is at least one nice stamp on the envelope
07 May 2022, 23:48:50
What is the point in sending all the very common definitives from Germany back to Germany?
This is just dumping the leftovers.
Strange that, &
have the same stamps........
08 May 2022, 07:01:31
I don't think these two photos are of the same lot. Some of the stamps shown are the same, many are not.
08 May 2022, 10:29:56
Každopádně by v zásilce neměly být známky používané v zemi adresáta.

In any case, there should be no stamps used in the addressee's country.

In jedem Fall sollten die im Land des Empfängers verwendeten Briefmarken nicht im Paket enthalten sein.
08 May 2022, 20:39:33
In the last three months or so, the lots I have been receiving were pretty poor. It now takes me on average more than 50 days before I have a 100 stamps together that I dare to pass on to the next member in the club. It would be nice if other club members would do the same weeding out as I do. Not only do you prevent annoying the receiver but you also spare the environment. Three days ago, we had the worst rain in living memory. A Polish truck-driver died and three other car drivers nearly did. Time we clean up our act in so many ways!
09 May 2022, 10:28:29
Reply from sender: "it's great to know that this group is only for experts and everybody here exchange only rare stamps, which the partners don't have yet. Sorry that i misunderstood the meaning of this site description."
Dishonesty at its best. We know that this member rates revengeful. I will voluntarily cancel all future exchanges with this member.
09 May 2022, 14:07:58
Jessica I think in your collection you had none of these German stamps

I hope he never gets my address
and I would do like you Jessica

there is no effort, not a single stamp from Romania,
only definitives or CTO Posta Romana
there was at least one nice stamp on the envelope
09 May 2022, 15:38:48
@Laurent, I am always surprised that it is impossible to have a meaningful discussion with this type of member. You would think that we are all adults here (with the exception of Nacho, but he is quite grown-up compared to some!).
09 May 2022, 19:52:17
Thanks for sharing his 'defense'
Potential cancel material!
Stickers Swaps