Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Stamps exchange IL-559
28 July 2024
14 August 2024
Duration: 17 days
Feedback: 4 Stars
Photo by Ubozel
14 Aug 2024, 18:53:59
C'est anormal d'envoyer ce genre de timbres
17 Aug 2024, 16:04:37
Pokud mají známky jen nálepku a jejjich minimálně 100 tak bych považoval3 hvězdy za velmi přísní hodnocení..

Si les notes ne sont qu'un autocollant et qu'elles sont au moins égales à 100, je considérerais que 3 étoiles est une note très stricte.

If the grades only have a sticker and its at least 100 so I would consider 3 stars as a very strict rating.

Přeloženo pomocí Deepl překladače.

12 Sep 2024, 15:59:30
J'ai amélioré la note car Oleg a eu la délicate attention de m'envoyer de nouveaux timbres. Je l'en remercie !

I improved the rating because Oleg had the delicate attention of sending me new stamps. I thank him for that!
12 Sep 2024, 16:19:32
I sent you 200 stamps in total and still 4 stars? Hm, ok.
23 Sep 2024, 12:55:35
Yes, and I am grateful for the extra stamps you sent me.
But sorry, once again, half of the stamps were in bad condition!
25 Sep 2024, 09:55:16
If I were as strict as you, I would never give anyone 5 stars. Absolutely every envelope contains either glued, or on paper or with minor defects, which is why they are called USED.
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