Well, I´m going to give my opinion. I disagree and agree.
This is a general site. It is not a site to swap thematic stamps.
It is a site designed for blind swaps.
It is a site designed to swap duplicated stamps, not to buy the stamps you have to send.
If I don´t have stamps from, for instance, Papua New Guinea, I am not going to buy them in the market to fulfil a requirement.
Requirements are too often very narrow.
On the other hand, if I accept any kind of stamps, and the terms of use are clear in this aspect, I can´t understand why I can´t send what I accept to myself. I cant understand why something good for me is bad for others.
I can´t understand why some persons say, for instance "I dont accept CTO, definitives,......." but they do send CTO, definitives. It is not a simmetric swap.
If you are rated attending the terms of use, you should never receive 3 stars if you send:
-100 stamps or more.
-Good condition.
-No duplicates.
-Mainly commemoratives.
What happens in reality differs from one member to another, I have been rated 3 or 5 with the same sending.
Now I´m going to give another view, in this case, supporting Jess and Alexislay.
This is not a place to send the stamps you can't swap in direct exchanges.
This is not a place to send damaged stamps, or definitive stamps which everybody already have.
My conclusions:
1.- In general, the site is working good. Better by far than others I know .
2.- Sendings should always be scanned and uploaded. Specially low rating sendings, (name and shame). This prevents opportunistic behaviours, and allow other member to know what is going on with other members. Even if somebody rates your sending low, but it is scanned and uploaded, the other members have the opportunity to see how "strict" is your partner and if the rating is fair for his standards.
3.- In general, it is not the same when you send to someone who always receives 5 stars, than when you send to somebody that previously have sent you a poor envelope, or receives 3 stars systematically, one can mistake with the rating, but not everybody.
We are only 100 people, and, I think, we all know who is behaving well.
4.- If somebody has a good average, after 50 sendings, this person should receive extra sendings for free.
5.- If somebody, after 20 sendings don't achive, lets say 4 in average should be temporarily suspended. This prevents opportunistic behaviours.
6.- But, the rating can only be assigned based on the general terms, I insist, because otherwise, it possible to send nice stamps and receive low ratings.
I have nice stamps, but maybe not on owls, ships, or planets.