Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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How can we make it a fair play?
17 Feb 2025, 23:50:59
Dear members, I was for a while in 25stampsclub and very happy about it. I recently registered to 100stampsclub but I don't have the same feeling. I know it is not easy to find 100 stamps in the interests of your swapping partner. I spend really hours tp satisfy the demands. But in return, I received covers full of stamps that are not matching to my requests at all.I realize that the sender has even not read my profile, he/she has already an envelope of 100 stamps that he/she wanted to get rid of snd he/she sent it to my address.
I am sure some of you are also in this situation.
What I do in this situation:
1) First of all, I read the profile of my sender to see if he/she values the stamps she is sending to me. Unfortunately he/she says in the profile that he/she doesn't collect these ordinary stamps.
2) Then I send the stamps back when I pick up his/her name.

How can we improve the condition?
Please don't think that my expectation is high. If I find 5 interesting stamps among 100, I would be happy. But if it is 0 or less than 5, I just feel disappointed.

I will give it a chance for few more times, but if nothing improves, I will cancel my membership and I will be happy with 25 and 50stampsclub. But I really want to know if you also had the same experience? It is such a small community here, it is obvious that my sender will be my receiver in 1-2 weeks. How can we make it a fair play?
08 Mar 2025, 17:41:03
Dear @Eynhallow , thank you for sharing and warning. When I read each reply, I also think over my complaints one more time. It is also very true that sometimes you have nothing to give in the interests of the recipient. We shouldn't be cruel to each other. Maybe as a member, we should go over our profile from time to time to make it more flexible. We should remember that this is not a competitive arena but a fun club where people with similar interests meet. Thank you for your point of view.
07 Mar 2025, 22:59:23
I can easily be accused of not responding to another members preferences. That isn't due to negligence, but rather that I haven't anything in that area of interest. I collect for me, not for others. If I can help, I do. Otherwise I try to send about 110 quality stamps.
07 Mar 2025, 08:38:51
Dear members or new members who may read this message in the future, I was very disappointed in the beginning with 100stampsclub but very soon I changed my view. Unfortunately the first 2 or 3 covers I received were full of 100 very ordinary stamps. I thought, members in this club are not considering any preferences of the recipient, they are just sending the stamps they try to get rid of.
But all the later receives were amazing. I am so happy I was patient and I stayed.

My expectation is not high. If %5-%10 of the content is good for my collection that is 5 stars. Even if the cover has good stamps of that country I am happy. Now, I am receiving covers with amazing stamps, almost %50 is useful for my collection.

I realized being patient is important. I recommend to communicate with the sender directly about our disappointment so she/he can be more careful selecting stamps when she/he picks up our name again. Unfortunately I think some senders get offended and consider our message as an attack instead of criticization. Critization (as long as done in frames of respect) is also as helpful as praised to make it a 'better' sharing community.

02 Mar 2025, 20:28:11
Thank you for your advice.
20 Feb 2025, 18:52:51

Výměna v tomto klubu je dobrá pro toho kdo sbírá generálně celý svět, nebo hledá známky pro další výměnu se svými přáteli ve svém místním klubu či své zemi, musí tedy počítat s tím že dostane všehochuť. Ten kdo chce doplňovat mezery ve své specializované sbírce tu nepochodí, pro toho je výměna na základě chyběnky - seznamu konkretních známek, případně nabídky kde si vyberu z toho co daný sběratel nabízí (v naší zemi například Auktiva) ze svých dublet. Kdo zde hledá něco jiného musí být nutně zklamaný - podle mne by tu mohlo být jen jedno zlepšení - posílat více známek své země.

The exchange in this club is good for those who collect the whole world in general, or are looking for stamps for further exchange with their friends in their local club or country, so they have to expect to get a lot of stuff. The one who wants to fill in the gaps in his specialized collection will not do well here, for him the exchange is based on a bug - a list of specific stamps, or an offer where I choose from what a given collector offers (in our country, for example, Auktiva) from his doublets. Those who are looking for something different here must necessarily be disappointed - in my opinion there could be only one improvement - to send more stamps of their country.

Translated with (free version)
19 Feb 2025, 20:43:04
Dear Wolfgang,
Thank you for your kind respond. :)
Have a good day.
19 Feb 2025, 20:15:24
Hello Nedime,
I see you've only sent eight letters. Over time, you will notice that some members are making an effort to send you stamps on your behalf. Others apparently don't even read your profile and send anything.
Be patient and you will find out the members who practice this hobby fairly.
Regards, Wolfgang
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