Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Categories | Subjects | Messages
duration of 180 days
29 May 2024, 21:28:22
Good morning

I find that the time for a letter to be considered lost or automatically saved is rather long: 180 days
In general, if a letter is not received after 90 days, it is definitively lost or not sent by a member who has left the site

can we not reduce this duration from 180 days to 90 + 30
30 Jul 2024, 21:52:01
How its work, had never received a exchange start in 95 days ?
18 Jul 2024, 17:54:43
currently 180 days is a really long time
especially when the address is given and the person does not send or come anymore
17 Jul 2024, 21:41:34
90 day to travel + 30 extra days until an automated action (cancel or registration) sounds reasonable. Probably also with emails sent to both partners to remind them about the exchange and the options they have to resolve it.
UNESCO Postcards