Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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23 Sep 2021, 12:37:44
Hello :)

this is a very repeating subject in our dialogues, but once again, we have the pleasure of the negative rating of somebody, because, they please

when we receive this low rating, obvoiusly, we are not happy

the thing is that recently my son and me sent two shipments to Stamplover member in Praha, as usually with everybody, 100 stamps, sheets, postcards, circulated envelopes and more gifts, stamps, in good condition, no doubles and normally, more than 100 stamps each

but, this lovely member rates 2 star to me and Nacho and publish a nasty picture with few stamps

other members too, have requested him to publish complete picture to justify 2 star

Come and see :)

I dont mind 5,4 or 3 star, but one somebody rates 1 or 2 star , you are blocked in the system
If we have another one in the next registers, we are out of the system

not nice, not fair, very NASTY, not really a gentleman

exchanging stamps is a little bit like playing tennis, golf or rugby, fair rules and gentleness are over the rest of feelings, but some people cask 1-2 star because they want, even to a child of 10 years old

Normally, I rate 5 star to everybody.

24 Oct 2021, 23:14:44
@ lorenzo : Im not ridiculous. Im not crying. You should go back to school and take lessons of educación. In French language would be ok.
24 Oct 2021, 22:55:59
@Koen :):) 4.6 is not as longer as Laurent :)")
He has longer than me, average. :):)
24 Oct 2021, 17:46:16
4.6 is not bad, it says something about your quality I'd say.
And making pictures is a could, not a should. Just suggesting ;).
24 Oct 2021, 16:05:50
@koen :) you are right, but this means that we have to do it because we dont trust the member who receives the stamps
Laurint is saying about our 4,64 average. This means that every 3 envelopes, we have 2 with 5star and 1 with 4 star, more or less. If we find somebody like Bitter Man, then it means we have 1 envelope with 1 star and 9 envelopes with 5 star, more or less.

I have no problem :)

Just lets avoid to send to these funny members. And lets remind them:

100 used stamps.

Unique stamps, no doubles.

Stamps in good condition.

You can include extra surprises.
24 Oct 2021, 14:37:05
@francescpf & @nachopl:

If/when you're worried about unfair pictures (showing just the bad ones, not the full shipment) you can include your own picture when sending, like Laurent does most of the times.

That would allow other members to judge the rightiousness of a rating (for what that is worth).
24 Oct 2021, 14:07:47
@francescpf & @nachopl:

If/when you're worried about unfair pictures (showing just the bad ones, not the full shipment) you can include your own picture when sending, like Laurent does most of the times.

That would allow other members to judge the rightiousness of a rating (for what that is worth).
24 Oct 2021, 12:55:30
goodbye, sir
24 Oct 2021, 12:53:34
have a nice weekend
I go to eat a nice paella over the sea in Mallorca
sunshine, bluesea, 23 degrees
and 4,63 in 100 stamps club :)
au revoir monsieur :)
24 Oct 2021, 12:53:04
you also have to question yourself at times
24 Oct 2021, 12:52:31
you're still crying, you're getting ridiculous
24 Oct 2021, 12:52:19
sorry, I see your score is longer
it looks you are worried :)
24 Oct 2021, 12:51:53
with members like you is easy
24 Oct 2021, 12:42:54
ask yourself with a score of 4.67 and 4.64 there is a problem
24 Oct 2021, 12:40:50
we send quality, quantity and gifts Monsieur
24 Oct 2021, 12:38:44
quantity and "gifts" do not make quality, you may have to change your method
24 Oct 2021, 10:36:56
Zoals u kunt zien, was Tsjechisch toch geen probleem (Giechelende smiley)
Actually, it was originally addressed to a compatriot from Prague - and -- I don't have a problem with any national language, it's just that English is becoming too much, if we want to survive we have no choice but to go back to the national basics anyway.
23 Oct 2021, 18:03:06
stamphater does not show the picture with all our stamps and gifts
it is not nice to rate so low with what we send
you all know that we always send more than 100 stamps, plus sheets, plus postcards, plus circulated envolopes plus mint stamps
problably stamphater feels weel rating 1-2 star to a child
why not ??
maybe this is a new therapy :)
23 Oct 2021, 17:42:40
stamphater does not show the picture with all our stamps and gifts
it is not nice to rate so low with what we send
you all know that we always send more than 100 stamps, plus sheets, plus postcards, plus circulated envolopes plus mint stamps
problably stamphater feels weel rating 1-2 star to a child
why not ??
maybe this is a new therapy :)
23 Oct 2021, 17:36:41
hello John Peter :)
you are right... what bitter Czech is doing, is not fair
not funny
and, he has no reason, no right
but, if he had a bad day, why not?? maybe we can give support
23 Oct 2021, 17:35:07
Hoi Jessica :)
Dit is niet de situatie.
Je weet wat we verzenden.
We sturen geen shit.
Deze man, de grappige Tsjech, heeft een slechte dag gehad.

Hij heeft ons 1 ster gegeven.

Misschien heb je problemen.

Dat is niet eerlijk.

daarom ben ik deze dialoog begonnen.

maar ... eerlijk gezegd :), rot op, dit die grappige Tsjech doet is niet eerlijk
23 Oct 2021, 17:20:29
@johnpeter zelfs beginnende verzamelaars kennen het verschil tussen een onbeschadigde en een beschadigde postzegel. Het lijkt er op dat er verzamelaars zijn die lid zijn geworden van deze club om rotzooi te ruilen tegen goed spul. Ook is het stalken van andere verzamelaars via deze website echt niet in orde. Lijkt mee een goed idee dat we hier een nieuwe voertaal invoeren: nederlands!
23 Oct 2021, 11:03:37
Zdejší klub je nutné chápat jako hru - svým způsobem loterii, tím že pošlu si vsadím a třeba i vyhraju, rozhodně to není záležitost vhodná k cílenému budování sbírky - k tomu slouží jiné "kluby" - je proto vhodné nováčkům, často začátečníkům pomoct - vysvětlit jim zásady a ne je okamžitě znechutit nízkým diskvalifikujícím hodnocením - pro atraktivitu tohoto klubu je dobé aby se zapojilo co nejvíc zájemců z pokud možno různých zemí - odrazovat nové zájemce je proto jaksi nedobré.

PS PS - Kdo neumí česky tak ať se češtinu naučí nebo mu poslouží překladač Deepl Translate

Who doesn't know Czech so let him learn Czech or use the Deepl Translate translator
22 Oct 2021, 21:40:36
Your list of "no,no,no" is not a valid answer Mr Funny
The rules of this club are clear
I dont know why, my son and me had to pay the bill of your bad day.
Well... if this helps you, we are happy.
But look at other chats here about the list of "no, no, no".
22 Oct 2021, 21:38:50
CTO'S ?? How many ??
HOw many stamps did you receive funny one ??
definitives ?? 100 definitives ??? We sent you lot of conmemorative stamps

You also rate like this to a 10 years old child ??

Very good Mr. Bitter
Very good :):)
22 Oct 2021, 21:33:56
Show picture with everything and let members to have opinion.
you have MANIPULATED picture
22 Oct 2021, 21:31:57
The bitter Czech doesnt know that this club has other rules than yours.
We didnt exactly sent this.
We sent you also lot of gifts.

22 Oct 2021, 17:22:32
if you read the profike of the funny Czech, you could have seen: no definitives, no CTO, no Germany : you, gentleman, sent me exactly this - sorry, I saw nothing positive in it - just a negative and unfair attitude of a bitter person
04 Oct 2021, 22:26:31
Tell the funny czech
04 Oct 2021, 19:38:22
in extreme cases, you can send it all back in the next exchange.
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