Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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09 Apr 2021, 18:10:02
This has probably already passed the discussion board, but cannot find something on it.
I try to limit or even avoid the sending of CTO's. However, I have had a few remarks now that my selection to a member contained too many of them.
So, It's probably me, but I may sometimes mistake CTO's for real stamps.
I thought CTO means "Cancelled to order", or produced/relaesed but never issued as valid for franking.

How for each country to determine CTO or not?

BR/ Koen
13 Apr 2021, 21:40:37
I disagree. Every CTO is not easily recognizable. Some are, perhaps most of them. But there are lots of border cases. Nowadays you also see many cancelled "on the nose". They might be of more value if they are genuine. The best advice is to avoid the obvious ones.
11 Apr 2021, 10:00:56
@Koen if you want to exchange contact me
10 Apr 2021, 22:31:34
Well, ship them over :):)
10 Apr 2021, 21:14:12
very common in Eastern European countries before the fall of the USSR

personally I am not a fan of the CTOs I own several thousand in albums that I keep without collecting them
10 Apr 2021, 20:48:42
Well I wouldn't call myself novice, I just never paid attention to CTO or not. I don't really care, I still don't. But now that I am looking at it, yes it is most often easy to tell. Just a pitty that I have so many from selected countries. Cuba is famous for it I think. Ecuador too, and Hungary.
10 Apr 2021, 16:03:38
@ Koen unless you are a very novice philatelist, a CTO is easily recognizable
10 Apr 2021, 16:02:10
I have CTO from the Czech Republic perfect obliteration with very shiny glue
10 Apr 2021, 15:59:47
Může, ale i nemusí.

It may or may not be.

Es kann sein oder auch nicht.
10 Apr 2021, 15:24:45
Thank you all for reactions. Most are pretty clarifying. So if the stamp is cancelled with a too perfect corner cancellation, it could very well be a CTO. Also when you put a moistered finger against the back of the stamp and it sticks like being glued, it's probably never used.

10 Apr 2021, 14:49:16
cancelled to order
A cancelled to order (also called and abbreviated CTO) postage stamp is a stamp the issuing postal service has cancelled (marked as used), but has not traveled through the post, but instead get handed back to a stamp collector or dealer

You can read about CTO on this site

And CTO stamps not only "Western Europe" nearly all German stamps "Semi-postal" like "Sport Aid", "Youth" "Wellfare" they are very rare USED. Austrian stamps as well have CTO. The country which don't have restriction for stamps cancellation usually have CTO stamps when collectors of dealers ask postoffice just cancel stamps they need.
And nowdays even dealers saying that it's difficult to get USED stamps they have cancelled stamp and these stamps have a glue in a back or the stamp. CTO stamps can be USED if your exchange/dealer just washed this glue off.
10 Apr 2021, 14:06:24
Česká republkika již několik let žádné CTO známky neprodukuje.
Československo CTO vydávala ale nejde je pokud nemají lepidlo odlišit od známek prošlých poštou, protože používala stejná razítka i v běžném provoze.

Die Tschechische Republik hat seit mehreren Jahren keine CTO-Marken mehr produziert.
Die Tschechoslowakei wurde vom CTO herausgegeben, aber es ist nicht möglich, wenn - sie den Klebstoff nicht von Briefmarken unterscheiden müssen, die per Post übergeben wurden, da im normalen Betrieb dieselben Briefmarken verwendet wurden.

The Czech Republic has not produced any CTO marks for several years.
Czechoslovakia was issued by the CTO, but it is not possible if - they do not have to distinguish the glue from stamps passed by post, because it used the same stamps in normal operation.
10 Apr 2021, 12:29:30
Czechoslovakia is a large supplier of CTO, the Czech Republic continues to produce but in smaller quantities ...
10 Apr 2021, 11:08:12
Dotaz - jak poznáte CTO razítko, pokud je Československá známka bez lepu? Dopisy poslané z "filatelistické přepážky" mají stejné razítko otisklé podle přání odesilatele. Jde o poštu mezi filatelisty řádně prošlou poštovním provozem - i to je CTO? Razítko "Praha 1"

V letech 1975 - 1990 byla na poště Praha 025 schránka "Sběratelská pošta" dopisy byla razítkované stejným razítkem "Praha 025" jako CTO známky v levém spodním rohu pokud na dopise byla jen jedna známka, pokud jich bylo více mají razítko v některém rohu.

Zda jde o CTO - pokud je známka bez lepu se nepozná ani z data razítka. Často to nepozná ani zkušený sběratel v České republice.

Frage - woher kennen Sie den CTO-Stempel, wenn der tschechoslowakische Briefmarke ohne Gummi ist? Briefe, die vom "Philatelie-Schalter" verschickt werden, haben den gleichen Stempel, der auf Wunsch des Absenders gedruckt wird. Ist es ein Postamt zwischen Philatelisten, die den Postdienst ordnungsgemäß durchlaufen haben - ist das auch ein CTO? Stempel "Praha 1"

In den Jahren 1975 - 1990 gab es am der Postamt "Praha 025" einen Briefkasten "Sběratelská pošta ". Post !Praha 025" wurden diese Briefe mit dem gleichen Stempel "Praha 025" wie CTO - Stempelt in der unteren linken Ecke gestempelt, wenn nur ein Stempel auf demr Brief war. Wenn es mehr gäbe, hätte man einen Stempel in einer Ecke.

Ob es sich um einen CTO handelt - wenn der Stempel ohne Gummi ist, ist ab dem Datum des Stempels nicht einmal erkennbar. Ein erfahrener Sammler in der Tschechischen Republik weiß das oft nicht.

651 / 5000
Výsledky překladu
Question - how do you know the CTO stamp if the Czechoslovak stamp is without gum? Letters sent from the "philatelic counter" have the same stamp printed according to the sender's wishes. Is it a post office between philatelists who have duly passed through the postal service - is that also a CTO? Stamp "Prague 1"

In the years 1975 - 1990 there was a box "" Sběratelská pošta "at the post office Prague 025 letters were stamped with the same stamp" Prague 025 "as CTO stamps in the lower left corner if there was only one stamp on the letter, if there were more have a stamp in one corner.

Whether it is a CTO - if the stamp is without gum is not even recognizable from the date of the stamp. An experienced collector in the Czech Republic often does not know this.
10 Apr 2021, 07:43:38
For me, the CTO is only if the stamp was made together with the stamp. It can be nicely found on the stamp. If the stamp was given later, such a stamp is used, and many such stamps are much rarer than cheap stamps from Western Europe from 1960-1990 (90 percent of people send these stamps here in the club: mainly the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, GERMANY - Terribly inflated prices in catalogs, etc., etc.
09 Apr 2021, 22:19:13
Not sure if I have a real clear picture now. The link you sent contains merely topics about Australian stamps. I'll keep trying to identify CTO and avoid to send them if unwanted, but please bear with me :). Also, if included, please share a picture at registration identifying the CTO. It would help for future sendings, and in your interest as well. My goal is not to get rid of crap, but to please you guys (and girls) just like you do.
09 Apr 2021, 21:33:14

it was me, who started your quest... (i gave you 4* for 90% of CTOs)
i dont mind them - on my themes, but all rest - i cant send them forward, since no one wants them.

CTOs are normal stamps, catalogized and official. only difference is, that they are stamped (usually with capital city postcode, in some cases without date (in Slovenia postmark is always Maribor))

Laurent wrote exactly as it is... but, be careful - CTOs are not precanceled stamps
little help
09 Apr 2021, 19:54:57
Ok, so... a stamp, most often in sheets, are issued. Without a cancelletion you can use you it for franking and it becomes a used stamp. But with cancellation before being used it becomes a CTO?
09 Apr 2021, 19:20:02

A CTO is always recognizable the same obliteration quarter round in corner, and it has its glue on the back since it has not traveled (unless it has undergone a wash)

often the same countries, the former country of eastern europe all the former comunist countries etc ...
UNESCO Postcards