Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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21 Mar 2020, 14:43:54
good day! are there any problems with envelope delivery in Europe and North America right now?
29 Mar 2020, 22:11:26
Due to lack of transport capacity and restrictions in air transport we receive (Slovakia) shipments from customers and ship to these countries: Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Canada, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Belarus, USA
24 Mar 2020, 14:51:39
i heard a rumor, that Slovenia will sell just selfadhesive stamps - to avoid "licking"
23 Mar 2020, 12:44:25
In the Czech Republic, mail operates without restrictions. People do not unnecessarily come out; All places where people could clump together are closed. Trains and buses are limited. There are also grocery stores, drugstores, pharmacies, post office. Work from home is maximally supported. There is a closed state border.
The number of cases of the disease is not dramatic. strict restrictions have proved their worth.

V České republice pošta funguje bez omezení. Lidé zbytečně nevycházejí, na veřejnosti nosí všichni roušky. Jsou uzavřena všechna místa kde by mohlo dojít ke shlukování lidí. Vlaky a autobusy jezdí omezeně. V rovozu jsou obchody s potravinami, drogerie, lékarny, pošta. Maximálně se podporuje práce z domu. Je uzavřená hranice státu.
Počet případů onemocnění není dramatický. přísné omezení se osvědčila.
22 Mar 2020, 14:28:49
another thing...
registered letters are put into mailboxes, without signing for them... it is precaution for postman, not to be in contact with others
22 Mar 2020, 13:48:27

"Почта России приостанавливает прием международных отправлений, адресованных в государства ... Монголии, Кувейта, Ливии, Перу, Молдавии, Шри-Ланка, Туниса, Каймановых Островов, Французской Полинезии, Ливана, Филиппин, Мальдив, Острова Пасхи (Чили), Мьянма, Эквадора".
22 Mar 2020, 06:26:46
No problems with sending or receiving in New Zealand. We can post mail into boxes without visiting a Post shop (they stopped doing hand cancellations anyway so why bother).
I hope everyone is safe and well and can at least enjoy this wonderful hobby while in isolation!
22 Mar 2020, 01:14:39
So far we don't have any delivery problems here in the USA, among others I just received mail from France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.
21 Mar 2020, 22:40:08
The Royal Mail sent e-mail that because of COVID 19 delivery of post could be delay, and we don't know what would be closed today/tomorrow. From today our pubs, bars, restaurant, shop (not supermarkets), schools, universities - all closed. And people with underline condition have to be in isolation for 12 week from today. What new measure would be from Monday we don't know.
21 Mar 2020, 20:24:13
i am unable to go to post office - they are open, but just 3 hours/day and it is 50 m line...
no need to expose myself in line, since no one is wearing masks (!)
UNESCO Postcards