Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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No trader names.
01 Dec 2019, 17:18:23
My last mailing out was on Oct 31 and all my mailings have been received and registered.
I have been trying since that date to get new names but to no avail. I have seen dozens of names since then of collectors who I have not sent stamps to or received from so I know there are new names for me out there. I had this problem quite some time ago and finally got started again. Now it's back. Is this a glitch in the system or is there another explanation?
22 Dec 2019, 18:35:14
You can use the option "Send to repeated members" to send or not to send to repeated members.
The system will try to balance the number of sent items to a specific member. If a new member exists, that member will be selected first.

New members only have a few exchanges, and for each exchange they receive one slot. This means that there are not so many slots for new members and this slots are selected first and are used up quickly. Older and more active members have more slots available because they have more exchanges.
05 Dec 2019, 21:29:46
I think that you set in your profile an option that allows resending to the same partners, so you get again and again the same addresses :) (Exchange options - Send and receive to/from repeating partners). Simply remove this option temporarily at least.
05 Dec 2019, 18:35:10
Just tried again to get a new name and to no avail. I will just try once a week I guess till I get one.
05 Dec 2019, 14:56:46
I don't know the rational for this but I do too, have partners that I've traded with as many as four times yet with many others not once.
05 Dec 2019, 13:30:59
Sometimes I have the same thought. I get addresses from "known" names where I shall send stamps often three times within six months. That's not easy. I can see new and even old members in the ranking list, but I never get their address?
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