Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Stop uploading covers
03 Jul 2019, 18:59:20
I have been watching a lot of uploaded covers of sent lots on this site in the last time.
For myself I always scan stamps and cover before sending it.
I think it is useless to upload only the cover and much less if the receivers address is shown!!!!!
I want to see the rated stamps, not the cover!
03 Aug 2019, 15:10:14
Wolfgang, I already noticed it and appreciated your work (AT-274) Thank you! :)
03 Aug 2019, 11:40:20
@ My dear Natalia!
I found a new way to show all stamps and the cover in my scans. It's a little bit more work for me, so I hope you'll like it. :)
20 Jul 2019, 20:38:13
Covers are nice! The addresses can easily be covered.

For exceptions, I added a "Report" option in the exchange details page. When using this link to report a problem, some details about the exchange (photos, messages) will automatically be hidden until the exchange will be reviewed.

Some details about this option are still under construction, but this first part is now functional.
18 Jul 2019, 23:35:37
I agree, the problem is not in the envelope's photos, it's in open addresses on them.
18 Jul 2019, 22:39:40
i dont have any problem with uploaded covers - can be really nice

but, for Gods sake - COVER THE ADDRESS!
18 Jul 2019, 17:20:28
Hello to all. I collect postage stamps. And this is a stamp stuck on an envelope with a good stamp. By this, I am more happy for a beautiful envelope than for its content. I think that everyone has the opportunity to close the address.
18 Jul 2019, 13:07:54
Natalia, I am sorry. I can only scan in an A4 format. It is impossible to show all 100 stamps fully in this size. And the cover is more for me :) If I get an address a second time, I don't want to send the same cover again...
best regards, Wolfgang
17 Jul 2019, 13:50:57
Wolfgang, you wrote: "I want to see the rated stamps, not the cover!"
But in your photos there is the cover and only upper stamps at the right one can see completely ...
Why you don't show all the stamps completely but the cover only? :O)
15 Jul 2019, 00:13:24
I am slow to respond to messages. I'm sorry about that. I have read you messages today and I have deleted the image.
14 Jul 2019, 21:44:11
@Danubius unfortunately this is not true: I've asked you twice to remove IN-272 but it's still there
14 Jul 2019, 19:18:46
When uploading images, members are informed not to show personal information of other members.
Every time a member reported such a image, i removed it.
I have contacted several members in the past to ask them not to upload such images anymore.

I will work on a solution to aprove/review/report images.
05 Jul 2019, 19:25:43
This site is getting full of dilettants. Multi-accounts and address publishing. I guess I don't want to get involved in this business anymore. And the owner of this site should do the right thing in this regard because it is an illegal activity.
05 Jul 2019, 11:39:50
Thank you for raising this as I was concerned about the address showing in these photographs - not only should peoples privacy should be respected but security is an issue.
04 Jul 2019, 02:19:31
I agree, we're trading stamps, not covers!
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