Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Is it possible to receive the same address?
19 May 2017, 14:12:04
I'm curious if it's possible to receive the same person's address to send to? Because I am thinking I could not remember what I sent them the first time! Is there a rule or time limit for this?
Cheers from Emily (big fan of this site!)
03 Mar 2018, 04:52:42
And you got 2x100 stamps?
01 Mar 2018, 20:19:17
Hello Emily! I have only one profile but one person got my name and address twice at the same time. Very curious!
05 Feb 2018, 18:35:43
I will have to send stamps for the third time to the same address. There are 3 different profiles a the same address. I will send stamps that I did not send before since I take a short note of what I send and what I receive in each trade. I also sent stamps before to other people with 2 different profiles at the same address.
05 Feb 2018, 09:58:33
Hello Emily :) Another example: My son Nachopl 6 years old and me are in club. Obviously same Adress :)
Many times we have simoultaniously for Example same member for stamps to be sent. What we do is 1 envelope 2 references 200 different stamps.
05 Feb 2018, 07:57:34
Hi, I've got one address for the third time now. Whether the swapping partner is the same person, a family, or friends, I cannot tell. It doesn't matter, I'm not against multiple profiles for members. But, having sent twice to this people before, and not having a huge collection to take doubles from, makes me feel I'm going to send the same thing again. Correspondingly, I will expect the same thing in return, which would kill surprise for sure.
25 May 2017, 07:11:11
Ok thank you for your reply Jess, if a top trader like you has not had it happen yet then it must be a rule.
23 May 2017, 11:57:35
No, I have never received the same address twice.
But I do know there are some person's with two profiles and a husband and wife who share the same address.
Stickers Swaps