Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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No members available
19 Jan 2021, 00:42:04
I just received this message, even though I have checked the box to receive/send stamps from previous traders, it seems like this sign keeps popping up more often than not. With such a discrepancy on trades among members I do not see a reason for this thing happening.
21 Jan 2021, 21:15:37
If you want to be heard you have to talk, nothing was ever accomplished by remaining in the shadows.
21 Jan 2021, 20:39:06
Says the person with 8 lots in progress :)
21 Jan 2021, 16:31:26
That's because you've done a lot of business. You need to calm down and slow down a bit, and not write your complaints in the forum here.
19 Jan 2021, 18:12:49
Same problem here! Since the weekend, I am unable to send new lots due to no members available.
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