Lots sent: 1
Lots received: 0
Lots in progress: 1
Stars received: 5.00
Country: France
Languages: French, English
Member since: 12 June 2024
Last activity: 28 March 2025
Hello and welcome to a bug's profile.
Don't forget that one rule is to send stamps in *good condition*. No fold, no hole or part missing, no stain, no thinned stamps, no missing tooth, no tear how small it is, etc. Thank you.
Don't forget to put something rigid in your letter as to protect the stamps from being damaged during the trip. Thank you.
As for my preferences:
I don't want self-adhesives or CTO (read https://stampencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/CTO). If you are not sure what I am talking about, you can contact me. ^^
I prefer used stamps over mint stamps as long as the cancel is not philatelic in nature like coming from a first day cover (and of course from CTO, again).
Here is a list of what I would appreciate.
Revenue stamps
Revenue stamps on documents!!! ♥️♥️♥️ (one such document could count as five stamps? contact me and we can come to an agreement depending on what you have)
Hungarian commemoratives, before 1950
France, after 2008 (again, no self-adhesives)
British commemoratives, after 1990
Japanese commemoratives
Japanese definitives after 2000 or before 1940
any definitives after 2000 (France not included), even self adhesives
any stamp from the 19th
Spanish commemoratives before 1939 (not Goya~)
British colonial stamps from Africa and Asia
Poland, before 1950
Romania, before 1940
Bulgaria, before 1945
Ottoman empire
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
New Caledonia
South Korea
Spanish colonies
Colonial stamps in general, but not from France
Philippines, before 1960
German states
Here is the list of countries I would prefer to not receive: North America, South America, the Caribbean is ok, Australia, France.
Have a good day!