Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Incoming in progress
10 Jan 2024, 11:50:18
Hello :)
I did not have send letters for 2 years and as I have sorted my stamps, I've decided to send new letters here...
I have send 4, 3 are arrived to destination, 1 is still in journey
My question is about "incoming in progress" : will I see incoming letters here ? Because for the moment there's nothing in this on my account and I did not received new letters in exchange to what I've sent...
Is this because historically I've received more than I sent ? Have I to wait (and to send new lots without hoping receiving letters) before having new letters ? I did not remebered it was like that 2 years ago :(
I hope my explanations are clear and sorry for the mistakes in English :(
14 Feb 2024, 20:38:46
hello Danubius, ok I'll do new sendings and hope I'll start receiving letters again :)
13 Feb 2024, 23:34:11
The system will try to balance sent/received. When the numbers are closer, you will receive letters again. Probably with your next two letters registered, you will start receiving letters again.
17 Jan 2024, 15:05:16
Bonjour Jogaje

le but est d’être à l'équilibre, pour pouvoir recevoir il faut envoyer c'est plutôt logique tu en a envoyé 89 et reçu 93 Lots en cours : 1 .... si on est dans ta logique plus personne ne va envoyer

j'en ai envoyé 431 reçu 412 Lots en cours : 4 , je limite mes envoie par rapport a il y a quelques mois ( 4 a 5 au lieu du maximum) pour remonter vers l'équilibre quand mes entrées auront remonté par rapport a mes sortie j'augmenterais mes envois

Hello Jogaje

the goal is to be in balance, to be able to receive you have to send it is rather logical you have sent 89 and received 93 Lots in progress: 1.... if we follow your logic no one will send anymore

I sent 431 received 412 Batches in progress: 4, I limit my sendings compared to a few months ago (4 to 5 instead of the maximum) to go back towards balance when my entries have increased compared to my output I would increase my shipments

bonne journée
17 Jan 2024, 13:12:06
Hello Laurent
I think the site was not programmed this way 2 years ago : we received more than we sent...
I understand that the things seemed to have change but it is a little bit disappointing to send letters today and receiving nothing :(
14 Jan 2024, 18:46:54
when we received more than we sent it's a bit logical.
fortunately the site is programmed this way.

the ideal is that sending and receiving is more or less balanced
13 Jan 2024, 16:38:29
Hi Wuff67
yes I've clicked this button when I saw I've got no letters incoming after the 2 first arrived to their destination...
13 Jan 2024, 16:29:42
Hi! Same situation at the moment.
I think the reason is that we received more than we have sent.
Did you click the "Repeating partners Send and receive to/from repeating partners" button?
UNESCO Postcards