Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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New feedback system
08 Aug 2015, 09:59:33
I have replaced the "Psitive, Neutral, Negative" with a 5 stars system ranging from 1 to 5.

I have converted the previous feddback as follows:
Positive with a star: 5 stars
Positive: 4 stars
Neutral: 3 stars
Negative: 1 star
20 Nov 2016, 20:38:42
Hurray, I figured out how to upgrade my rating for US-258.
Problem solved in all aspects now.
11 Nov 2016, 18:14:17
I went to the "Stamps Exchanges" page in order to upgrade a rating for US-258, who kindly improved her mailed lot with a resend.
I cannot find a "Feedback Update" form.
PLease advise, Thank you.
26 Aug 2015, 13:15:41
Giving a rank or stars rating is not important in my opinion. We are here making new philatelic friends. What do you will give so you will get. We are not doing any financial business here but swapping with others and give them what we have as doubles or multiples for Exchange with others which they want to give up and by this way we are getting more and more new stamps and new friends as well.
24 Aug 2015, 14:53:20
i also noticed that the amount of stars does not really give any information now is directly related to the amount of stamps sent ^^ so it´s almost as if there is no rating at all ^^
23 Aug 2015, 13:41:29
I just wanted to say, that better than sum of stars (not telling enough, because of different ammount of sending) would be stars average.
10 Aug 2015, 11:12:19
Great thank you Danubius!
09 Aug 2015, 19:39:22
That sounds good! :)
09 Aug 2015, 11:24:21
The feedback from the previous exchanges can now be updated. Just in case you change you mind about the feedback you gave.
From the page "Stamps exchanges" follow the link to the exchange details. And there, if is the case, you will see a Feedback update form.
UNESCO Postcards