Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Categories | Subjects | Messages
Incoming Expired
01 Feb 2022, 10:55:43
Just had something strange happen - today two lots from Israel (IL-411 and IL-408) appeared on my profile under the heading "Incoming Expired". Both had the same date (29 October 2021).

I marked both of them as "not received". Now one of them remains on the list, the other one (IL-408) seems to have disappeared from the list. Does anyone know what happened there ?

02 Feb 2022, 14:51:17
Thanks you for your comprehensive explanations, Danubius!
02 Feb 2022, 06:52:13
You will see a delay in the auto actions. The process has started but there are lots in this situation from the begining of this club. I set it to do a limited number of auto actions per day so that more members get familiar with the process. They will eventually catch up.
02 Feb 2022, 06:47:46
For the one that remained, the sender has not marked it as "Mailed". In this situation you should see a message like "Auto canceling in ...", That lot will be auto canceled and then it will dissapear from the list too.
So, in this lists you view the lots that are not yet finalised, and are still waiting to be registered or canceled.
02 Feb 2022, 06:41:46
In this list you can view the lots that are not registered or not completed.
The one that dissapeared was probably marked by the sender as "Mailed". It had a message like "Auto registering in ...". If you would had not maked it as "Not received" the lot would have been auto registered. This auto actions are for the situations where one of the members in no longer active in order to send/register the lots. In this case, you both, marked the lot as "Mailed" and "Not received", so this lot is now considered lost. No more auto actions will be taken on this lot, therefore is not in the list anymore. But you can still view it in the page "Stamps exchanges", section "Expired".
UNESCO Postcards