Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Upcoming updates #1
16 Oct 2021, 12:01:08
Since the beginning of these projects I have received many suggestions for updates. I have implemented many of them since then. Your feedback and the ideas on how to make these clubs more useful, friendly and fun are essential and are welcomed.
I try to implement as many as I can. I have a long list with future updates that I try to prioritize.
15 Feb 2022, 03:55:01
thank you very much Danubius for all this work and improvements, it sounds very good
04 Feb 2022, 07:53:41
The automattic registration/cancellation of exchanges has started. There is a delay in completing those actions. I have limited the number of actions per day, so that more members can get familiar with this automattic actions. Eventually the registration/cancellation of exchanges will catch up.
04 Feb 2022, 07:47:39
I have started merging some multiple accounts. I have added explanations to the registration page and to the edit profile page to inform members that they can have only one account per person.

I will merge those accounts gradually when they appear or when they are reported. Especially when new accounts are created, an automattic search is done to compare it with existing accounts.

This is not 100% proof, but I hope that this issue will be reduced.
04 Feb 2022, 07:36:44
I have updated the selection of slots when requesting an address. I added a second condition. In addition to the 14 days login condition, a member needs to have a confirmed sent letter in the last 6 months. This is to avoid sending to some members that might not be active anymore. If those members have slots available, those slots will be used after those two conditions are met.
12 Jan 2022, 17:22:27
Thanks for keeping up site updates, @Danubius
28 Dec 2021, 10:45:46
Changing the rating option is a very good idea. Well done!
I am not sure about the new cancel option. Let's see.
22 Dec 2021, 07:41:58
I have updated the cancel option. Until now this cancel option was limited by the number of cancels you could do in a month. I have replaced this limitation. Now it lowers the sending limit by -1 for each cancel for the next 3 months. Three months is the time it took a letter to expire. Three months from the time of requesting that address, not the time from when it was canceled.
The cancel option is located in the first page after login where you have lists with your incoming or outgoing letters.
22 Dec 2021, 07:37:25
I have updated the change of rating option. You can change a rating down only in the first 2 days, after that you can change the rating only up.

In most cases a rating will be changed up, maybe due to a resend. There have been cases where after registering a letter, they wanted to lower the rating. Two days to change the rating down is probably more then enough. Hopefully this will prevent changes of ratings in revenge.
17 Nov 2021, 04:43:04
@fairytale78 - I just asked the same question! I have the same problem.
16 Nov 2021, 15:51:54
Hmm, at the moment, I seem to be unable to cancel an exchange. Has this to do with the updates you are doing, Danubius?
07 Nov 2021, 20:44:00
I think that the rating has to be changed only in the positive direction, otherwise there may be cases of revenge.
07 Nov 2021, 18:39:23
At the moment it is possible to change ratings of exchanges from the last 3 years.
I think this possibility should be deleted or updated, maybe change ratings from the last month...
04 Nov 2021, 14:28:30
A picture showing all the stamps received is the most relevant.
04 Nov 2021, 14:27:00
In the last 12 months there are 19 negative ratings (1 and 2 stars) from 7658 total exchanges completed, representing 0.25%

There is one member that gave 5 low ratings in the last 12 months.
There are also 2 members with 2 each, and another 10 with 1 each.

There are 17 members that received 1 low ratings, and one member (that is now banned) with 2 low ratings.
04 Nov 2021, 14:20:21
"Picture and comments mandatory"

I hope you mean a picture showing ALL the stamps. Have seen examples only showing just a few stamps. Maybe the sender put in 120 stamps.
120 minus a few = 100+ good stamps and no reason to give 1* or 2*.
04 Nov 2021, 13:52:54
Pictures and comments are mandatory for ratings of 1 and 2 stars. I try to keep this rating system simple. If splinting the rating into multiple questions would resolve the unfair ratings, I would do it. But like Koen said, it does not help much in this cases.

I have an option to restrict specific actions for a member. In the past I added a restriction for a member to give low ratings of 1 and 2. That member at that time was responsible for most of the low ratings from that time frame. If it's needed I can restrict this options for members that abuse the rating system.
Recently I have extended this banning system for action like contacting members and comments.
04 Nov 2021, 13:33:25
Also when an exchange canceled, the recipient is added on your banned list, so that you don't send/receive from that user again.
04 Nov 2021, 13:30:46
When you cancel an exchange, it is deleted. It can't be registered. It is for the situations when you have not mailed the letter. The recipient receives a slot back so that he/she could receive a letter from someone else.
04 Nov 2021, 11:51:36
@Danubius - I've seen the update on incoming/outgoing exchanges. Just to make sure: Outgoing expired - what exactly happens when I press the 'Cancel' button?
24 Oct 2021, 18:12:06
As said: Just a suggestion.
24 Oct 2021, 17:48:51
Sounds like quite an administration :)
And if someone's picking on you, it won't be much help I'm afriad.
24 Oct 2021, 17:36:41
Just a suggestion:
Maybe we should split our ratings!
1) Did I get unique or double stamps -> rate 1-5
2) Did I get damaged ones -> rate 1-5
3) Did I get stamps from my wishlist (Profile) -> rate 1-5
4) Did I get more than 100 stamps or any surprise -> rate 1-5
5) ....
6) ...
The average should be the final rating.
24 Oct 2021, 15:58:53
@koen :) dont worry, nothing to do :)
lets let them enjoy life
Im now on a boat just 1/4 mile away the south coast of Mallorca
Greetings to everybody :):):)
24 Oct 2021, 13:53:30
I was aiming to get improvement to the site suggested, not to start new discussion!

Please, gents (in this case), take that somewhere else.

Manipulated picture is not full picture, as I suggested (copy from above):
"argumented with full picture and explanation"
24 Oct 2021, 12:48:03
yes !!!!!! Stamps in good condition
24 Oct 2021, 12:45:14
100 used stamps.

Unique stamps, no doubles.

Stamps in good condition.

You can include extra surprises.
24 Oct 2021, 12:34:18
@laurent >>>> and by the way, for us, you are one of these lovely members rating 1-2 without a reason.
When somebody is sending you 100 stamps, took time to make the choice, took time to go to post office, spent money to send you an envelope, many times, with gifts

Just because this effort, all members should never be under 3 star.

When you rate 1-2 star to a member like Limey, with all stamps I see in picture, you are insulting him
24 Oct 2021, 12:29:37
@laurent : Im just giving opinion and arguments, Im sorry if you are unable to perceive it
24 Oct 2021, 11:31:46
I also find it very useful
1. Automatic registration / cancellation of exchanges when one of the partners is no longer active.
24 Oct 2021, 11:29:14
this post did not concern your problem, you opened one for it
24 Oct 2021, 11:14:17
This member has manipulated picture
Not nice
24 Oct 2021, 09:49:24
hello .)
problably, giving 1-2 star should be limited to members who "deserve" to have this "right"
for example
- supporters
- members with >4,85 average
- and limit of 1-2 star by for example, 1 / 10 notes

this is a friendly club, and I dont believe you can give 1-2 star every five minutes

read this and take conclusions

24 Oct 2021, 08:37:00
One other thing.... maybe we could agree on using ENGLISH as club language.
24 Oct 2021, 08:32:45
Full picture and explanation when rating 1-3 should be mandatory.
24 Oct 2021, 00:03:03
it is already mandatory to put a photo and a comment for a 1 or 2 if I'm not mistaken

I find it very useful to avoid multiple profiles, for me one IP address, one profile

thanks Danubius
23 Oct 2021, 14:12:13
totaly agree with Koen
(thought it was already a rule, maybe the rule should be better maintained)
23 Oct 2021, 13:07:55
Reading the discussions about low ratings (1 or 2 stars with impact), I'd suggest another update:
Only let 1 or 2 stars have an impact if the rating is argumented with full picture and explanation.
It happens now that someone rates low just because he/she has an issue with the sender.
16 Oct 2021, 12:14:36
On my short list for the next updates are:
1. [Done] Automatic registration/cancellation of exchanges when one of the partners is no longer active.
2. [Done] Updates on the cancel option and blocking accounts from future exchanges.
3. [Done] Clarifying the multiple accounts. One account per person? Transparency about other accounts that use the same address.
4. [Done] Option to block a member from sending PM to you.
UNESCO Postcards