Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Sending new stamps?
03 Aug 2015, 02:06:57
Hello everybody!
I am new here and want to know if I can send new stamps (mint) when I make an exchange?
Best regards,
19 Aug 2015, 17:09:06
I don't mind if anyone send MNH mint stamps. But I dislike CTO and definitives.
03 Aug 2015, 14:08:35
Maybe not everybody knows what CTO's or definitives are?
03 Aug 2015, 13:11:41
This website is about used stamps and the members would aspect to receive used stamps in packages of 100. They like used stamps and most of them are very sensible about other types. This is also true about CTO's and definitives.

If you want to insert a few mint ones, check your partner's profile and see if he says something about this. I'm sure there are a few members like me that would not mind receiving some mint stamps. But you should check first their profile or you can also contact them before sending.
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