Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Stamps sent and not received?
29 Jun 2017, 15:50:00
I sent on 12 December 2016 100 stamps (PT 209) to Belgium (stampsexchange). I sent di March 21, 2017 100 stamps (PT 262) to Taiwan (ChenHuei, Yen). I sent on 21 March 2017 100 stamps (PT 266) to Russia (Patrikeewalex). I'm blocked.
02 Sep 2017, 22:59:47
Hi Jess18877,
I have sent emails to Marc in at least 3 different months without an answer. I see he has visited his page, but he hasn't answered.... I also wonder why he register his lots very often so late... It's really strange, that two lots from me haven't gone to him!?
01 Sep 2017, 17:24:00
That is very strange. I know Marc also from swapbot. He received my stamps a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe he is on a holiday?

Does anyone know what happened to LukeDenmark? He was always very active and we had close contact but I havent heard from him and he doesn't response to my e-mails
31 Aug 2017, 22:44:23
I have sent a lot to marclively in 100 and 50 stamps club, but he hasn't received them. I have tried to contact him several times without an answer. I looked at his Pages and saw he has sent More stamps that has received (registered). He has registered Lots late: after 200, 109, 134, over 40 days.. Have somebody else sent him stamps too and stamps have gone lost?
I don't know what to think as he doesn't reply my emails!?
30 Jun 2017, 10:49:58
After 90 days, that exchange is not counted towards your total exchanges allowed, so the December & March ones are not blocking you anymore. I understand the disappointment, I also have 3 (300+ stamps) exchanges not received. But it can't be helped, it's a small percentage. For me the fun and great stamps received still make it worthwhile :-)
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