Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Forum created
29 Jul 2015, 06:38:40

I have created this forum so that we can communicate better.
If you have questions, ideas or if you want to share something with the rest of the members, feel free to participate in discussions or add new ones.
29 Jul 2015, 17:08:33
how nice ! thank you for taking care of this website :) i was wondering how does the feedback work as there is not a possibility to see what kind of feedback each member has got? also my first time sent stamps FI-1 has not been registered ...could be lost in post, i know. urindianfriend, i have registered all the stamps i´ve received til now so i assume you did not send to me? :)
29 Jul 2015, 12:25:07
Recently, I have sent stamps to two members, but could not know whether they have received mine or not. If they will not register my stamps Exchange then how can I know that they have received my packet. And am I refrain from getting the stamps. And if they are not responding or register my stamps Exchange then I am not getting another address for swap as there's a restriction on two swap for the first time until at least one swap complete. So I request all members here to register their received stamps.
UNESCO Postcards