Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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New member looking for answers
28 Nov 2016, 01:26:26
Hi Guys! My name is Francesco and I'm a new member here. I made my first exchange 1 month ago, the receiver registered the ID code, was happy with the exchange and everything went well. So, as far as I understood, then I should be receiving a different exchange partner who's sending me the stamps right? But in all this time I haven't seen my name popping up on the latest exchange. Is that normal? Thank you for your answer and help!
02 Dec 2016, 11:24:48
Hi DL20K, thank you very much, I appreciate the time you took to answer me. Now it's a bit more clear.
28 Nov 2016, 13:52:53
Yes, you have one lot registered. So you should now receive one lot.

It doesn't always have to be from a different person. Rarely, it may happen the same person will send you their lot (it's more common at the 50/25stamps versions of the site where there is much fewer members).

Your name will not appear on the main page yet. The main page shows lots that arrived, not lots which should be expected / are in progress. Only when you get someone's lot and register it, will your name appear on the main page.
Stickers Swaps