Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Stamps exchange CZ-638
Czech Republic
26 March 2024
11 April 2024
Duration: 15 days
Feedback: 4 Stars
Photo by Johnpeter
13 Apr 2024, 19:26:34
Obálka dopisu je unikát - dopisů nebylo z muzejní pošty posláno víc než 20 a jejich hodnota je minimálně 10 euro - vstupné do muzea plus poštovné.

De envelop van de brief is uniek - er zijn niet meer dan 20 brieven verstuurd vanuit het postkantoor van het museum en hun waarde is minstens 10 euro - museumentree plus portokosten.
13 Apr 2024, 19:27:33
The envelope of the letter is unique - no more than 20 letters have been sent from the museum post office and their value is at least 10 euros - museum admission plus postage.
16 Apr 2024, 12:01:52
u have to understand, that for some people covers dont mean a lot... if these Czechoslovak stamps are CTO, i would put same grade or even 3*
17 Apr 2024, 16:34:28
Kepki kde vidíš nějakou CTO poštovní známku?
I ten aršík prošel na dopise podaném na vesnické poště (byť přeplaceném) poštovním provozem.

Kepki where do you see any CTO postage stamp?
Even the miniatur sheet went through the postal service on a letter filed at the village post office (albeit overpaid).
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