Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

Categories | Subjects | Messages
limit the number of letters after a negative assessment
08 Nov 2016, 22:02:51
Regards, can someone answer when magnification limit the number of letters after failing grades or is permanently confined to two letters?
10 Nov 2016, 21:26:23
Just a question, if you have 2 bad ratings, don't have a chance to send letters to other people, the persons that give bad rates don't want to talk about re-sending or something like this, what happens? It'll banned from the group?
10 Nov 2016, 09:22:02
The limitation is not permanent. Only the last 10 ratings are considered. So, if your next 10 exchanges are neutral (3 stars) or positive (4 and 5 stars) the limitation will be removed.

Also the limitation can be removed if you convince your partner to increase your rating. Those ratings can be changed. You can convince your partner that the rating is not fair or maybe you two can agree to replace some of the stamps that maybe were damaged.
UNESCO Postcards