Used stamps exchanges.

You send 100 used stamps
to a random member
and you receive 100 back!

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Ratings Explained for New Members
15 Mar 2021, 07:53:34
Hi all,
I recently joined and am waiting for my first two letters to be received in the US and Russia. Presumably, once received and provided I get a decent rating, I will then be able to send more and, in due course, also receive some.
And then the hard work starts - what rating to allocate ?
Reading through past discussions is is clear that negative ratings should only be given where the basics - 100 different, used and undamaged stamps - are not met. But when to give a 1 and when to give a 2 ?
Similarly, when the basics are met, a positive rating is in order. But when to give a 4 and when to give a 5 ? Do personal preferences, as expressed in your profile, come into it ?
And when would you give a neutral rating of 3 ? Either the basics are met or not, there doesn't seem to be anything in between ....
And what rating should you give where you've been sent 99 fantastic stamps ?
I guess what I am looking for is some sort of explanation of what the different ratings represent. If there is a common understanding there might be more consistency in outcomes.
Thank you !
16 Mar 2021, 11:00:01

Doporučují dát víc než 100 známek

Sie empfehlen, mehr als 100 Briefmarken zu vergeben

They recommend giving more than 100 stamps
16 Mar 2021, 10:57:35
Múj názor:

Každé hodnocení je subjektivní

na 5 hvězd - 100 známek není poškozených
není víc než 20 relativně běžných výplatních známek

pokud nedám 5 hvězd přidám zdůvodnění spolu s obrázkem známek

My opinion:

Each evaluation is subjective

for 5 stars - 100 postage stamps are not damaged
there are no more than 20 definitive postage stamps

if I don't give 5 stars I will add a justification together with a picture of the stamps

Meine Meinung:

Jede Bewertung ist subjektiv

für 5 Sterne - 100 Briefmarken werden nicht beschädigt
Es gibt nicht mehr als 20 relativ definitive Briefmarken

Wenn ich keine 5 Sterne gebe, füge ich eine Begründung zusammen mit einem Bild der Marken hinzu
16 Mar 2021, 01:35:19
Thanks for your comprehensive reply GPKnl. The word that stick out is "subjective", and that's exactly why I was wondering whether "the club" has attempted to take out some of the subjectivity by trying to articulate what the individual ratings actually mean ?
15 Mar 2021, 20:14:17
Welcome in this club! This is one of the most difficult questions you can ask.
It's very, very subjective.
What I do:
In 95% I give a 5. Most letters contain enough nice stamps or I see that someone at least tried.

Sometimes I give a 4. Reasons: Many very common definitives, Users with multiple accounts sending the same not so interesting stamps within a short period, or when I gave feedback 'please don't send me only stamps after 2000' and the next time you receive again only stamps after 2000 (save them for other users!), sending many Dutch stamps, etc etc

A 2 I only give when you don't even try to find nice stamps and send stamps that everybody has. Often in combination with less then 100 stamps and many really damaged stamps. Did it 3 times.

A 3 I give when you messed up, received a 2 and you send me new/better stamps.

I never gave a 1

But it's very subjective and I'm probably not consistent in my rating.
There are also users here who always give a 5

And you have the more critical members who are judging every trace of use of the stamp and/or give a lower rating for 99 good stamps.
As I said it's very very subjective.
Just a least try to send good stamps and put in a few extra in case of damage or miscalculating and you will have a good time in this club.
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